Options: Appearance Advanced Display Settings

Manages the Advanced Settings modes.



Create a new custom display mode.


Copy a display mode.


Delete a custom display mode.


Import a display mode.


Export a display mode.


Display Mode Options

Specifies display settings.


Name of display mode.

Viewport settings


Specifies the viewport background color.

Use Application Settings

Use settings specified in Options > Appearance > Colors

Solid Color

Specify the color

Image File

Specifies an image for the viewport background.

Rhinoceros BackgroundImage 001 Advanced display settings

Image file name

Type or browse for the file name.

Gradient 2 Colors

Rhinoceros BackgroundGradient2Color Advanced display settings

Top Color/Bottom Color

Specify the color

Gradient 4 Colors

Rhinoceros BackgroundGradient4Color Advanced display settings

Top Left Color/Top Right Color/Bottom Left Color/Bottom Right Color

Specify the color

Shade settings

Shade objects

X-Ray all wires

Flat shading

Color & material usage

Object’s color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 012 Advanced display settings



Single color for all objects

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 013 Advanced display settings



Single object color

Specify the color

Rendering material

Shade using rendering material

Custom material for all objects

Click the Customize
button to specify the custom material.

Backface settings

Use front face settings

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 018 Advanced display settings

Cull backfaces

Display backfaces invisible.

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 019 Advanced display settings

Use object’s color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties



Single Color for all backfaces

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 020 Advanced display settings



Single backface color

Specify the color

Rendering material

Custom material for all backfaces

Click the Customize
button to specify the custom material.


Show isocurves

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 010 Advanced display settings
Isocurves on.

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 011 Advanced display settings
Isocurves off.

Show mesh wires

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 000 Advanced display settings

Show curves

Show lights

Show text

Show annotations

Surface Edge settings

Edge Thickness (pixels)

Color reduction %

Light objects

Use lights on layers that are off

Draw lights using light color

Lighting Scheme

Lighting method

Default Lighting

Used when no other lights are specified or are used.

Scene Lighting

Uses the light objects that exist in the current model/scene.

Custom Lighting

Sets up to eight custom lights.


Set an x-, y-, and z-direction and color for each light.


Light #


Setting the directional value to 0,0,0 means “Don’t use this light”, since that has no direction.



Use current scene lights

Identifies any lights in the scene that are Directional
lights, and uses up to eight lights to populate the fields in the dialog.


  • This option deletes all current values in the dialog, even if there were no directional lights found in the scene.

  • The directional lights are converted to camera-directional lights using world-coordinates.

Apply Now

Applies the lighting to the model

Ambient Color

Click the color bar to specify the color in the Select Color
dialog box.


Specifies the grid settings for the display mode.

Grid Settings

Grid usage

Use document settings

Use settings specified in Document Properties > Grid

Use mode-specific settings

Specify the settings in individual modes.

Show grid

Show grid axes

Show world axis icon

World Axes Settings

World axis icon color usage

Application settings

Use default setting.

Same as grid axis colors

Set colors for grid axes in Options> Appearance > Colors

Use specified custom colors

Click the color bars to specify the colors in the Select Color
dialog box.

Advanced Grid Settings

Show Z-axis

Display construction plane z-axis.

Axes size (grid extent %)

Set size of axes as a percentage of the grid extents.

Grid appearance

Show grid behind all objects

Rhinoceros GridBehind Advanced display settings

Show grid on top of objects

Rhinoceros GridBehindNo Advanced display settings

Use transparent grid

Note: Transparency is not available when the Pipeline
setting is Windows.

Rhinoceros GridTransparent Advanced display settings

Transparency %

Grid plane usage

Do not use transparent plane

Rhinoceros GridTransparentPlaneNo Advanced display settings

Use transparent plane

Note: Transparency is not available when the Pipeline
setting is Windows.

Rhinoceros GridTransparentPlane Advanced display settings

Plane color

Specify the color

Rhinoceros GridTransparentPlaneColor Advanced display settings

Plane transparency %

Plane visibility

Show only when grid is on

Show always.


Specifies the display attributes for objects.


Shade-highlight selected surfaces and polysurfaces

Shades entire object with highlight color.

Rhinoceros ShadeHighlightSrfOn Advanced display settings

Rhinoceros ShadeHighlightSrfOff Advanced display settings

Shade-highlight selected meshes

Shades entire object with highlight color.

Rhinoceros ShadeHighlightMeshOn Advanced display settings

Rhinoceros ShadeHighlightMeshOff Advanced display settings

Control Points

Control polygon usage

Use dotted lines

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 021 Advanced display settings

Use solid lines

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 022 Advanced display settings

Line thickness

Control polygon color

Use object color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 021 Advanced display settings

Use fixed color

Use the specified color for all control polygons.

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 025 Advanced display settings

Polygon color

Specify the color


Hide control points

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 023 Advanced display settings

Hide object

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 024 Advanced display settings

Hide control polygon

Rhinoceros displaycontrolpolygon 002 Advanced display settings

Rhinoceros displaycontrolpolygon 001 Advanced display settings

Highlight control polygon

Rhinoceros displaycontrolpolygon 004 Advanced display settings

Rhinoceros displaycontrolpolygon 003 Advanced display settings

Control point size

Rhinoceros ControlPointSize2 Advanced display settings
Size = 2.

Rhinoceros ControlPointSize3 Advanced display settings
Size = 3.

Locked objects

Locked object usage

Use Application settings

Use settings specified in Options > Appearance > Colors

Locked color

Specify the color

Locked object appearance

Locked objects appear solid

Locked objects appear transparent

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 008 Advanced display settings

Transparency %

Draw objects behind all others

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 030 Advanced display settings


Specifies display attributes for point objects.

Point object settings

Point style

Square with white center

Rhinoceros PointStyleWhiteCenter Advanced display settings


Solid square

Rhinoceros PointStyleSolid Advanced display settings


PointCloud object settings

PointCloud style

Square with white center


Solid square


PointCloud control point style

Square with white center


Solid square



Specifies display attributes for curves.

Curve Settings

Curve color usage

Use object’s color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties

Use single color

Use the specified color
for all curves.

Curve color

Specify the color

Curve width (pixels)


Specifies display attributes for surfaces.

Surface edge settings

Edge color usage

Use object’s color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties

Use isocurve color

Use the color specified for the isocurves

Use single color

Use the specified color for all surface edges.

Edge color

Specify the color

Naked Edge usage

Use edge settings

Use separate settings

Edge thickness (pixels)

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 027 Advanced display settings

Color reduction %

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 028 Advanced display settings
Edge color reduction 50%.

Edge color usage

Use object’s color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties

Use isocurve color

Use the color specified for the isocurves

Use single color

Specify the color

Naked edge color

Specify the color


Surface Isocurve Settings

Isocurve color usage

Use object’s color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties

Use single color

Isocurve color

Specify the color

Use specified UV colors

Use separate colors for u- and v-isocurves.

U Color/V Color

Specify the color

Isocurve width (pixels)

Use single width

Isocurve width

Use specified UV widths

Use separate widths for u- and v-isocurves.

U width/V width

Specify the width.


Specifies display attributes for mesh objects.

Mesh Settings

Wireframe color usage

Use object’s color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 002 Advanced display settings

Use single color

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 003 Advanced display settings

Wireframe color

Specify the color

Wireframe Thickness (pixels)

Vertex size (pixels)

Mesh Edge Settings

Edge color usage

Use object’s color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties

Use single color

Edge color

Specify the color

Edge thickness (pixels)

Color reduction %

Naked edge color usage

Use object’s color

Use the color specified in the object’s Properties

Use single color

Naked edge color

Specify the color

Naked edge thickness (pixels)

Color reduction %

Other Settings

User interface options

Include in view’s display menu

Include in Shade command modes

Allow assignment to individual objects

View Scaling

Horizontal scale

Vertical scale

Pipeline and conduits


The display pipeline handles all the drawing of viewports – wireframe, shaded, ghosted, etc. The drawing is either handled by Windows or by OpenGL graphics cards.



Disable all conduits

Stereo mode settings

Stereo usage

Stereo mode disabled

Use hardware 3D shutter glasses



Use anaglyph (red/blue) glasses

Custom Object Attributes Settings

Basic parameters

Flat shading

Override object’s color

Specify the color

Gloss color

Specify the color

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 017 Advanced display settings
Gloss color matches object color.

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 016 Advanced display settings
Highlight color orange.

Gloss intensity

Specifies the strength of the gloss color.

Gloss finish

Specifies the range from matte to shiny.


Specifies the transparency of the object finish.


Makes the color appear to glow.

Rhinoceros AdvancedDisplay 014 Advanced display settings



Specify a file name.



Specify a file name.



Specify a file name.


Rhinoceros options Advanced display settings

Standard > Options

Tools > Options

Properties > Options (Right click)

Standard > Options (Right click)

Rhinoceros Menu2 Advanced display settings

Tools > Options

Rhinoceros Gray Book Open Advanced display settings Related topics…


Toggles gradient view mode.

Displays a customizable color gradient as a viewport background.


Defaults to two colors top-to-bottom.

The command acts as a “toggle.” Run it once to turn gradient background on, run it again to turn it off.

Rhinoceros gradientview 001 Advanced display settings
GradientView off.

Rhinoceros gradientview 002 Advanced display settings
GradientView on.


The hyphenated version adds command line options.



Determines the state of all viewports. Choosing the Active option turns off gradient background in all of the views except the active viewport.


Applies the gradient settings to all of the views.


Applies the gradient settings to the active view.



Turns gradient background on.


Turns gradient background off.


Sets the color for the top of the gradient.


Sets the color for the bottom of the gradient.


Sets the color mode to 2 or 4. If the number of colors is set to 4, more color options appear: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, and BottomRight.


  1. Set two-color gradient that goes from red to blue (top-to-bottom):

  2. ! -GradientView _Colors=2 _Top=128,0,0 _Bottom=0,0,128 Enter

    Rhinoceros gradientview 003 Advanced display settings

  3. Set four-color gradient that goes from a blue-violet to a pink-salmon

  4. ! -GradientView _Colors=4 _TopLeft=0,0,64 _TopRight=70,0,140 _BottomLeft=240,150,135 _BottomRight=240,130,164 Enter

    Rhinoceros gradientview 004 Advanced display settings

Rhinoceros  ABlankButton Advanced display settings


Rhinoceros Menu2 Advanced display settings


Rhinoceros Gray Book Open Advanced display settings Related topics…


Sets a specific display mode from the list of existing built-in and customized display modes.

Note: To set a mode name that has spaces, use either of the following formats:

-_SetDisplayMode Mode=MyCoolMode

-_SetDisplayMode “My Cool Mode”









Rhinoceros  ABlankButton Advanced display settings


Rhinoceros Menu2 Advanced display settings


Rhinoceros Gray Book Open Advanced display settings Related topics…


Advanced display settings