Deletes selected portions of an object inside or outside where they are intersected with another object.
Select the cutting objects.
Select the parts of objects to trim away.
When line objects are used as cutting objects, imaginary extensions of the line are used.
This makes it unnecessary to manually extend lines that do not intersect the objects to trim.
Curves are trimmed in relation to the view. They do not need to intersect in 3-D space. They only need to appear to intersect in the active viewport.
This option does not apply to surfaces.
If it is difficult to select the parts to trim off, use the Split
command and then delete the unwanted parts. -
Use the Untrim
command to remove a trimming boundary from a surface. -
When trimming a surface with a curve in a plan
parallel view like the default Top, Front, and Right view, the cutting curve is projected on the surface in the view direction. -
When trimming a surface with a planar curve in an angled parallel or a perspective view like the default Perspective view, the cutting curve is projected on the surface in a direction perpendicular to the curve plane.
When trimming a surface with a 3-D curve in an angled parallel or a perspective view, the cutting curve is pulled on the surface by closest points.
Trimmed Surfaces
A trimmed surface has two parts: a surface that underlies everything that defines the geometric shape, and trimming curves that either trim away the outside portion of the surface or cut holes in its interior.
Those trimming curves exist on the underlying surface. The underlying surface may be larger than the trim curves, but you won’t see the underlying surface because Rhino doesn’t draw anything for the part of the surface that is outside the trim curves.
Only the underlying surface defines the actual geometry of the shape. The trim curves do not define a surface — they only mark which part of the surface is to be considered trimmed away.
If you have a trim curve that runs diagonally across a surface, the trim curve itself doesn’t have any real relationship to the control point
structure of the surface. You can see this if you select such a trimmed surface and turn its control points on. You’ll see the control points for the whole underlying surface, which doesn’t necessarily have any connection with the trim curves.
You can remove the trim curves and get back to the underlying surface using the Untrim
commands to remove holes or outside boundaries.
When you have a trimmed surface whose underlying surface is much larger than the outside trimming boundary, you can use the ShrinkTrimmedSrf
command to shrink the surface back so that it is only large enough to hold the trimming boundaries and doesn’t have a large extra unused area.
Main1 > Trim Geometry Fix > Trim
Edit > Trim
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + T
Trims a polysurface with a curve similar to cutting foam with a heated wire.
Select the cutting curve.
Select a surface or polysurface face.
the first cut depth or press Enter
to cut through the object.
Pick the second cut depth, or press Enter
to cut through the object.
Select the part to cut away.
Direction (first cut)
Constrains the direction for the wire curve extrusion to world x, y, or z.
Constrains the direction for the wire curve extrusion to the curve plane normal.
Constrains the direction for the wire curve extrusion to the construction plane z-direction.
Pick two points to specify the wire curve extrusion direction.
AlongCurve (closed curves only)
Constrains the direction for the hole extrusion along a curve.
Direction (second cut – open curves only)
Constrains the direction for the second cut extrusion to world x, y, or z.
Constrains the direction for the second cut extrusion to the first cut extrusion normal.
Pick two points to specify the second cut extrusion direction.
If Yes, changes the selected and highlighted part that will be cut away and deleted from the currently highlighted part to the other part.
If Yes, keeps all parts of the solid.
Solid Editing > Wire cut
Solid > Solid Edit Tools > Wire Cut
Removes trims and surfaces joined at the trim curves from a surface.
Select the edge boundary of a trimmed surface.
The original trimming objects are separated and retained.
The trimming objects are deleted. This also deletes any geometry attached to the edges of the boundary.
Removes all trimming curves if selecting an edge of a trimmed surface. If a hole edge is selected, then all holes on the same face will be deleted.
Main1 > Untrim Surface (Right click) Geometry Fix > Untrim Surface (Right click)
Surface > Surface Edit Tools > Untrim
Untrims selected surface edges.
Select surface edges to delete.
If Yes, the original trimming objects are separated and retained.
Replace the edge with a line between the edge end points.
The two surrounding edges extend.
The edges must meet within surface boundary to give successful results.
Surface Tools > Remove Surface Edge
Surface > Edge Tools > Remove Edge
Trims a curve by specifying two points on the curve.
Select a curve.
a new start for the curve.
Pick a new end or type a length for the curve.
Curve Tools > Sub Curve
Curve > Curve Edit Tools > Subcurve
Deletes selected portions of a mesh inside or outside where they are intersected with another object.
Mesh > Mesh Trim
Mesh > Mesh Edit Tools > Mesh Trim