Options: Selection Menu
These options control the location and appearance of the Selection Menu that appears when more than one object occupies the pick area.
Dialog placement
Specifies the location where the menu will display.
Follow cursor
The Selection Menu appears at the cursor.
X offset/Y offset
Specifies the amount in pixels in the x- and y-directions the Selection Menu will be away from the cursor.
Dialog height
Specifies the number of objects that display in the Selection Menu.
Automatic height
Expands the menu until all objects are displayed or the number specified in the Max automatic height setting is reached.
Max automatic height
The maximum number of object to be displayed when the Automatic height setting is selected.
Dialog appearance
Show titlebar and border
Specifies the display of the title bar and border. Turn off to save space.
Specifies the object descriptions that display in the menu.
Show object name/type
Displays the object name if it has one, otherwise displays the object type.
Show object type/layer/color
Displays the object type, layer, or color.
Dynamic highlight
Controls whether the objects highlight or not as you move the mouse over the items in the selection menu.
Custom highlight color
Sets the object’s highlight color while moving the mouse cursor in the Selection Menu.
Highlight color
Click to select a custom color for the highlighted objects.
Standard > Options Tools > Options Properties > Options (Right click) Standard > Options (Right click)
Tools > Options