Properties: Viewport
Manages viewport
Three viewport pages (normal viewports, page viewports, and detail viewports) contain information and controls that are relative to that viewport.
Wallpaper options
Page Settings
Page Width
Page Height
Viewport navigation
is not allowed in a locked detail.
Units on paper = Units in model
Standard > Object Properties Properties > Object Properties Popup > Object Properties
Edit > Object Properties
Keyboard Shortcut: F3
Manages viewport
Manages viewport
Three viewport pages (normal viewports, page viewports, and detail viewports) contain information and controls that are relative to that viewport.
General information
The viewport title
displays in the top left corner of a viewport
The viewport
size in pixels.
Sets the viewport to a parallel projection.
Parallel views are also called orthogonal views in some systems. In a parallel view, all the grid lines are parallel to each other, and identical objects look the same size, regardless of where they are in the view.
Sets the viewport to a perspective projection.
In a perspective view, grid lines converge to a vanishing point. This provides the illusion of depth in the viewport. Perspective projection makes objects farther away look smaller.
35mm camera lens
When the projection is set to perspective, you can change the lens length of the camera. A “normal” lens length for a 35mm camera is 43 to 50mm.
Camera and target locations (x, y, z)
The camera
location in world coordinates. Type coordinates or click Place to pick a location
Also see the Camera
Place button
Click to pick a location
for the camera.
The target
location in world coordinates. Type coordinates or click Place to pick a location
Also see the Camera
Place button
Click to pick a location
for the target.
Place camera and target button
Click to pick a location
for the camera and target.
Wallpaper is a bitmap that displays behind the grid in a viewport. It does not change when you zoom, pan, or rotate your view.
Filename/Browse button
Displays the wallpaper file name.
Click the Browse button to select a file.
Shows or hides the wallpaper.
Displays the wallpaper as a gray image rather than color.
Note: Wallpaper does not display in renderings.
Rhino stores the wallpaper bitmap image in the Rhino document file.
Viewport Layout > Viewport Properties Properties > Viewport Properties
View > Viewport Properties Viewport Title > Viewport Properties
Sets the viewport field-of-view angle.
Type the angle that describes half the angle of view of the smaller dimension of a perspective viewport.
Viewport Layout > Set Perspective Angle (Right click)